Thursday, February 7, 2008

A mighty Heart

Decent movie.Loved Angie in it.There is this Indian actor...Irfan khan who's equally awesome,in acting,even better maybe! It sure is a must see.A perfect score(yakkawrding to moi..) for direction/screen play/cenematography ..whatever.
Story is like any other. Just that she lived to tell her tale and also make a film out of it too.I mean, everyone is as strong ..perhaps even more stronger than her during a tragedy.I dont like the title much.Otherwise..its all real good.I saw it twice and wept my heart out.But what agitates me is not the real-story funda of it all..but why those journos just walked into sucha dangerous place like karachi and met that underworld guy as if their righteousness in journalism wud protect them in some divine way from any possible danger.I cant help calling the two-some "dumb" i tellya. Else,he thinks he played marbles with him in his child-hood not to harm him in any way or what?? Stupid it is.Maybe they're really great in risking their lives for doing something so virtuous.But it ain't street-smart to do so.

All in all..her mighty heart is all about how she handles her hormones during her pregnanacy. Rest one MUST-see!

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